Taipei East - West Expressway
Project Location
Northern Taiwan
Taipei City Government
Services Period
From January 1990
to December 2008
Type of Services
Engineering Design
Project Overview
Taipei's overall ring road expressway network includes a series of urban expressways circling the area among which are three interconnected urban expressways running in the east-west direction and having a combined length of approximately 16 kilometers.
Starting from the western side of Taipei Metropolitan Area, this series of expressways cuts through central Taipei and then travels further along the Keelung River before finally ending at an access to National Freeway No. 3 in the eastern part of Taipei Metropolitan Area.
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CECI was responsible for carrying out the engineering design for each of these three continuous interlinking urban expressways which have been crucial in helping establish Taipei's overall ring road expressway network.
Civic Boulevard:
The first of these three east-west expressways, Civic Boulevard, starts from the banks of the Tamsui River in western Taipei and travels through central Taipei before connecting with the Keelung Rd. MacArthur No. 1 Bridge. This 8.16 kilometer long elevated viaduct was completed in 1997 and also provides a frontage road system directly beneath the elevated viaduct structure.
Keelung Rd. MacArthur No. 1 Bridge:
The second expressway in this series of interconnecting urban expressways is the Keelung Rd. MacArthur No. 1 Bridge. This 2.3 kilometer link is the middle link between the eastern end of Civic Boulevard and the western end of Huandong Boulevard. This expressway features the double-decker MacArthur No. 1 Bridge - a critical transportation node spanning the Keelung River.
Huandong Boulevard:
And lastly, the final link of this series of east-west expressways, Huandong Boulevard, picks right up from where the MacArthur No. 1 Bridge left off at its eastern end, and continues to travel eastward along the banks of the Keelung River before ending at a branch line of National Freeway No. 3. This 5.6 kilometer long double-decker viaduct structure is a fast, comfortable and convenient link for residents traveling to and from the eastern area of Taipei or wishing to connect with other main arterials.